Tour Grace Lutheran

Main Entrance
The main entrance for our Church and School is through these doors on Nebraska St. We have a parking lot across the street or you may park on the side of either Nebraska or 10th Street.

When you enter the lobby, up the main stairs or the elevator will take you to the narthex. If you are meeting for school, the main office will be to your left.

When you enter looking to your left you will find the office and the entrance to the school.

Before Church in the narthex you will be greeted by our Ushers and can help assist you with any questions you may have. Bathrooms can be found down the hallway to the right of the stairs. If you go down the stairs, that will take you to our cafeteria where Sunday morning Bible Class takes place at 9:15am.

There are two entrances into the church from the narthex. Also in the narthex are our kids’ worship activity bags seen in this picture hanging up. There is also a table for announcements, sign up sheets and meditation books.

Inside church find a pew that best suits your needs. In the back of the church is our Children’s Worship Area for anyone with young children.

Children’s Worship Area
In the back of the church is our children’s worship area. This area is for anyone with infants or young children to go if their little one is getting too excited hearing God’s word.

There is additional seating up in the balcony if the church is getting full. To get up to the balcony there are stairs on either side of the Children’s Worship Area.

When in the narthex if you come down the stairs that will take you to our cafeteria. Sundays at 9:15am we have our Bible Class which covers a variety of topics through the series rotations that focus on specific books of the Bible, teachings of the Bible, and practical applications for our lives from the Bible. The cafeteria is used for hot or cold lunch during the school year. We also host Lenten meals in here as well as other activities.

Choir Room
Across the hallway from our cafeteria is our Choir Room.

Office Entrance
Back at the main entrance if you take a left will be our office and the main entrance to our school.

In the office looking out in the main entrance way.

Office Entrance
Down this hallway, your first right will be our sick bay as well as a conference room. To your left will take you to our Principal and Pastor’s offices.

Sick Bay

Conference Room

Continue down the main hallway which leads you to Kindergarten, 1st Grade and 2nd Grade rooms on your left. On the right is an office workroom, Science Lab and stair that will take you up to our upper grades or down to the Cafeteria. If you go all the way down this hallway the doors at the end lead you to our PreK wing and our gymnasium.

Science Lab
Our Science Lab which is on the main floor.

These are the stairs that take you from the main floor to our upper grade rooms.

When you come up the stairs, down this hallway is two classrooms on your left, Bathroom and Teachers Lounge on the right.

Upper Classroom
One of two upper classrooms upstairs.

When you come up those initial stairs and turn left, it takes you to 4 more classrooms.

Upper Classroom Hallway
Down this hallway are the first two classrooms, water station and two tutor rooms.

Upper Classroom Hallway
When you turn down the final part of the hallway you’ll find two more classrooms.

Upper Classroom

Preschool Hallway
Back on the main floor if you come through the secure doors will lead you to our Preschool wing, Afterschool Room and our Gymnasium.

Preschool Classroom
Welcome to where playing meets learning. Our play-based curriculum paired with God’s love shining through in all we do shines in our Preschool wing.

Preschool Bathroom
The bathroom and sinks are sized correctly for these students.

Preschool Room

Preschool Room

After School Hallway
Down the hall from our Preschool is our after school room. After school care is available from 3:00pm to 5:30pm. There is an hourly fee for after school care.

After School Care Room
Down the hall from our Preschool is our afterschool room. After school care is available from 3:00pm to 5:30pm. There is an hourly fee for after school care.

Gym Entrance
At the end of our main hallway is the Gymnasium. Our gymnasium gets used for athletics, recess, concerts, plays, afterschool, Little Lambs and many more activities. There is also a main entrance to our gymnasium off of 10th Street.



There are bleachers on both sides of the gym along with more seating up in the mezzanine. Also up in the mezzanine is our Wildcat Cafe which is open during most home games.

Grace Lutheran Church and School
913 Nebraska Street
Oshkosh, WI 54902
(920) 231-8957
(920) 231-8552
Follow Us
Worship Services
Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am
Mondays at 6:00pm