New to Grace Lutheran Church of Oshkosh, Wisconsin?
We are aware that attending worship for the first time at a church you have never attended before can be intimidating. In order to assist you in understanding what to anticipate, we have provided some brief details. You will be welcomed in our newly remodled entrance which takes you up the stairs to our narthax. Before entering the sanctuary for worship, Grace members and our visitors will get their bulletin in the narthax to follow along with the service. Based on frequently asked questions, here are some suggestions.
WherE should I sit?
Feel free to sit wherever you’d like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance an usher will help you. Seats near the back are reserved for parents with small children.
What should I wear?
Come as you are. We do not care what you are wearing. At Grace, worshippers come dressed in formal and informal attire.
What about children?
Grace welcomes children of all ages. As they listen to God’s word and sing his praises, we encourage children and their parents to grow in their faith together.
If you need to leave with your child, the speakers in the narthax make it possible for you to follow along with the service. We also have bags in the narthax for children to grab before service to keep them occupied during worship.
What if I have a hard time seeing or hearing?
If you have trouble reading, ask an usher for a service folder in large print. The hearing loop system, which is connected to our speaker system, can be utilized if you have difficulty hearing and wear a hearing aid.What about after worship is done?
Every weekend, hundreds of people attend worship at Grace. After worship, our pastors will do their best to greet you, but they cannot always reach everyone.We would love to meet you, get to know you better, and learn how we can be of service to you by teaching you from God’s Word. During service there are black friendship registry folders in each pew, please take the time and fill it out completely so we know how to contact you.

Grace Lutheran Church and School
913 Nebraska Street
Oshkosh, WI 54902
(920) 231-8957
(920) 231-8552
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Worship Services
Sundays at 8:00am and 10:30am
Mondays at 6:00pm